Tail swap


On this page I show you how I attached a new tail to my breyer custom.
Base model: Breyer Flash
Tail: Breyer Banks Vanilla

What do you need?
– A model with the tail removed
– Detached tail of a different model (with a drilled hole in it. Best way is to use a Dremel)
– Wire in the correct length (better too long than too short) and a small pair of side cutters to cut it off
– Superglue & bakingsoda
– A small amount of modeling clay (Apoxie or Magic sculpt for example)
-possibly a modeling tool, but your fingers will work just as well

This is what our model looks like before we start. (The headlessness is optional 😉 )

We fill the pre-drilled hole in our tail with a small amount of baking soda…

…and super glue.

Please be very careful !! So that nothing gets on your skin or other places where it doesn’t belong. It is best to work with gloves.

As soon as the baking powder and glue are in the hole, put the wire in. Most of the time it holds up pretty well already.
I then fill in the gaps with glue and powder and let it dry for a few minutes.

We then do the same thing with the hole in the horse – first baking powder, then glue, then the wire (with the already attached tail).

Finally, fill the remaining gaps with the mixture of glue& baking soda.

This is what the whole thing looks like from the inside.
A headless horse like this can be very practical, as I can also attach the wire from the inside with baking soda and glue.

After drying (usually a few minutes are enough, but if you want to be on the safe side, wait an hour…) our tail is attached to the horse well enough that I can lift it up, as you can see. However, I recommend never holding/carrying a customized model by the parts of the body that have been worked on. These are still the weakest parts of the model, which despite everything break the quickest.
Finally, we smooth the transition from bottom to tail with the modeling clay.

Our “finished” horse with the newly attached tail.