By admin Posted on Mar 30, 202103/30/2021Eberl resin "Tolstoi"Painted by me.Is up for offers on my homepage.(Link in my BIO)#modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #hobbyartist #horse #breyer #artistresinhorse #artistresin #resinhorse #eberl #brigitteeberl #tolstoi #repaint #trakehner #trakehnerhengst #upforoffers #forsale
By admin Posted on Mar 29, 202103/29/2021I had some fun with the heavy boys Unicorn Pierre and Unicorn ThunderbuttWhich one do you like more?Let me know in the comments. #modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #artistresinhorse #resinhorse #horse #Pierre #thunderbutt #kittycantrell #emiliakurila #unpainted #unicorn #heavyunicorn #whowearsitbetter
By admin Posted on Mar 25, 202103/27/2021Salinero custom WIP#modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #hobbyartist #horse #breyer #breyercustom #customized #salinero #piaffe #blackbeauty #breyerpferd
By admin Posted on Mar 25, 202103/25/2021Hazel 2#I just realised i don't have a name for her just yet… any ideas?#modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #artistresinhorse #resinhorse #horse #hazel #resinhazel #westernhorse #westernpferd #sabino #westernsattel #modelhorsetack
By admin Posted on Mar 24, 202103/24/2021New tack for my Hazel "Event Horizon". #modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #artistresinhorse #resinhorse #horse #hazel #resinhazel #westernhorse #westernpferd #appaloosa #blackwesternsaddle #westerntack #modelhorsetack
By admin Posted on Mar 21, 202103/21/2021Sneak peak ;)#modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #sneakpeak
By admin Posted on Mar 21, 202103/21/2021++++GIVEAWAY TIME++++Hey guys,It's time for the giveaway infomations!!First of all (the most important part ;) )What can you win?1st price :a Breyer Classic model, customized and repainted by me!!!+ sweets+ tiny extras(I will pay shipping WITHIN GERMANY, if you're located somewhere else you would have to pay the difference. In other words, I pay shipping costs up to 8€. If Shipping to your location would be 16€, you would have to pay 8€.)2nd price :Repost in my story and 10 comments on your posts3rd price :Repost in my story and 5 comments on your postsAnd now…How to enter:1. FOLLOW this account2. Make sure to LIKE and REPOST with #R_Rgiveaway213. Write your NUMBER in the COMMENTS (first comment =1, second comment=2,…)The winners will be drawn on Monday the 29th of March at 16:00 CET.Hey Leute, Wie versprochen kommen hier die Informationen fürs GIVEAWAY!!Als erstes (das wichtigste ;) )Was gibt es zu gewinnen?1. Preis:Ein von mir verändertes und bemalten Breyer Classic model!!+ Süßigkeiten+ kleine Extras(Versandkosten INNERHALB DEUTSCHLANDS werden von mir übernommen. Wenn ihr woanders wohnt müsstest ihr die Differenz zahlen. Mit anderen Worten ich bezahle 8€ Versand. Wenn der Versand zu euch 16€ Kosten würde müsstest ihr 8€ dazu zahlen)2. Preis:Shoutout in meiner Story und 10 Kommentare unter euren Posts3. Preis:Shoutout in meiner Story und 5 Kommentare unter euren PostsUnd nunWie könnt ihr teilnehmen?1. FOLGT diesem Account2. Last ein LIKE da und POSTED einen Screenshot mit #R_Rgiveaway21 3. Schreibt eure NUMMER in die KOMMENTAREDie Gewinner werden am Montag den 29.3. Um 16:00 Uhr ausgelost.Good luck!!Viel Glück!!#R_Rgiveaway21#modelhorse #modellpferd #giveaway #thankful
By admin Posted on Mar 21, 202103/21/2021These two are almost done =)I'm afraid i have to sell the susecion and her foal sooner than i was hoping… So my loss is your gain guess #modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #hobbyartist #horse #breyer #breyercustom #breyertraditional #WIP #susecion #marabella #rabicano #rabicanohorse #araber #arabianhorse
By admin Posted on Mar 18, 202103/21/2021WIP eberl resin#modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #hobbyartist #horse #breyer #artistresinhorse #artistresin #resinhorse #eberl #brigitteeberl #tolstoi #wip #trakehner
By admin Posted on Mar 16, 202103/21/2021Customized SalineroI'm so happy with how he turned out.I had some trouble with him in the beginning, but now it works and I've learned so much!I can't wait to paint him (even though I'm afraid to mess it up).#modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #hobbyartist #horse #breyer #breyercustom #customized #salinero #eberl #WIP #piaffe #equineartist #pferdefigur #pferdeliebe #sohappy #customizedbreyer
By admin Posted on Mar 15, 202103/21/2021Finished commissionCustomized Breyer Cleveland Bay#modelhorse #modellpferd #equineart #art #hobbyartist #horse #breyer #breyercustom #customized #clevelandbay #breyerhorseofficial #extremcustom #germanartist #stallion #schleich #pferdefigur #trooper